Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Do I qualify for a job seekers allowance?
I'm currently working ten hours a week on average, doing a open uni degree course in music and studying full time at college. I am twenty and making on average �50 a week. Do I qualify for a job seekers allowance (JSA)? Could I say that I am searching for an evening job and apply for it?
How do you sign "illusion" in sign language?
How do you sign "illusion" in sign language? I have browsed some asl dictionaries to no avail. Please help me find "illusion" or a word synonymous with it.
Power of attorney - family fight, help?
It usually works out that way doesn't it? It's sad that the sincere people get thrown under the bus without the ability to get back up. Just don't try to be mean or fight too hard, just be a loving daughter. Why would a great neice even get the POA, did she even talk to him much? You're the daughter, you have rights.
What would you wear these shoes with?
I want to add these shoes to my always growing shoe collection but don't know what to wear with them. a href="http://15dollarstore.com/p/rebels-saffron-open-toe-canvas-pump/1426122193" rel="nofollow"http://15dollarstore.com/p/rebels-saffro…/a
Pedestrians entering a crosswalk ...?
It depend of who has the light. If the pedestrian enters the crosswalk against the light, it's their issue if they get struck.
I need help with this...?
You're using too many periods, it breaks up the flow of reading and makes everything into a fragment. This can sometimes be used in special cases, but in general it's best to avoid it. Also, you should consider using a thesauruses to avoid repetition of words, especially if it's in the same sentence (trash can, trash.) Finally, try to use active tense more often than pive. (Example: I grabbed my bag and jogged downstairs.)
If you Reserve a game at Gamestop for .....?
HI! I am hoping an experienced person or gamestop worker can answer this quest. I was just think about reserving a game, and how you can keep putting money in each day. I was wondering if you could reserve it, for $5 and go back the day it comes out and pay full price and still get the special item that comes with reserving it? In general AVP, it comes out February 16. I was think about getting it the day it comes out, but i really want those skins. So the question is, can I reserve AVP for like 10 dollars and come back February 16, pay full price, with the 10 dollars I already placed on (49.99), can I still get the skins it says it comes with?
Tosh.0 episode 8, looking for the video they couldn't show on tv?
Yes I just asked this, but no one's in the television section. March 1st they showed a clip to the audience that they couldn't show on tv. Can anyone hook me up with a link to that?
Have U Ever Sent An E-Mail To A Celebrity And Got A Respond !!!?
Not me, but my brother did from Fredrick Akeson from Opeth, he's one of the guitarists. I never tried though :(
I am buying a new power supply and idk if it can support my new graphics card?
It'll most likely be a 4-pin connector. I wouldn't worry about it.. Most higher powered PSU's have the plugin's for all that extra fancy stuff.
Is one of those tiny Jansport backpacks good for highschool? LINK?
I didn't even need a backpack. I just carried my binder in my hand and my book to each cl, then put it back in my locker. Then took whichever ones I needed home with me at the end of the day. I carried around a purse for looks and put some pencils and makeup and things in it, but it was easier to just carry everything in my hands than to haul a backpack everywhere.
Can i get into club krystal in queens, ny w. a college id w.o a birthdate on it?
i'm 18. but thats the only kind of id i have. i look older than my age and i'm going w. 3 other females who have id & are 19& older. what are my chances?
How is archaeological dating accomplished?
Dendrochronology, Carbon dating and Potium Argon dating, just the name a few. They test the radioactive decay in the method of the half-life to get the approximate date. This is not done on Dendrochronology though, that is tree ring dating, Different weather in the year leads to tree rings to grow small or large and they take a sample core of the tree ring and count the rings, literally. All these methods give a certain amount of time to determine how old something along with a geology survey that shows the bottom layers are older than the top. Of course the dating methods are done on several samples several times from the same site to see that they watch up.
Why does my saved CMYK image appear dull in preview programs, and will this impact the final printing?
It probably is an artifact of the conversion to RGB, though since it has already been through the reverse transformation, it's possible that the image has been degraded. If you haven't already, you probably want to color-calibrate your monitor to make certain the image that you are viewing is displayed in true color. ( a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_calibration" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_calib…/a ) Other than that, you should definitely have a test print made, as that is the only way to be absolutely certain that it will look the same when printed as you actually wanted.
Resveratrol and effect on kidney cancer genes ?
a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15280659?ordinalpos=10&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum" rel="nofollow"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15280…/a
What are you afraid of?
Questions like the one you asked, when ppl ask it I feel as though they are looking for a weakness to exploit even if they are not....I guess my biggest fear is not reaching my potential, whatever that potential might be...and dying alone.....but other than that....bees...i'm not even alergic, just don't like em, sting me for no good reason! ha, jumping spiders...because spiders should not be jumping! oh, and yeah, the top one...ppl finding flaws in me...i have alot of them but hate when they are exposed...i need counseling...ha
I think my Mac was just infected?!?
I was looking up professors for my cles next semester on the "Rate your professor" website, and suddenly this webpage popped up telling me i had been infected and that i needed to do a bunch of stuff. I didn't trust the webpage, and I closed it as soon as i could, erased it from my history, checked my downloads and trashcan and nothing is different. my internet and keys and files are all still working alright. is this a virus? does a virus take a long time to start messing up a computer? was this all just a fake? it looked very official and im really nervous because i dont want my information to be lost because i have several important essays still on my computer :/
What would be a good supplement to help me speed up my metabolism?
I had a baby a year and a half ago and I am still dealing with the 50 lbs. weight gain. I work a very manual job (FedEx pkg handler) which is helping me to loose it but I could use something to help pick it up. I do my best to eat healthy too. It's hard being a mom, a ft college student n to have a pt job :(
Does this soudn normal to you guys.... i go back to ortho on Friday and i plan to ask there as well...
You owe it to yourself and the Doctor to tell him exactly what you did and the pain and popping of that knee. You're right when you said that you did a couple dumb things, you certainly did, and I would imagine you won't be cheering this year. Don't do another dumb thing and take it upon your own to start regardless of what the Doctor and Therapist tells you. By what you said about the popping, you probably did some cartilage damage. The knot you feel on the back of your right knee is probably the beginning of a cyst that eventually will have to be drained.Do yourself a favor and lay off the cheering this year even if they tell you to go ahead, which I doubt will they will. You're squats and sprints just undid the good progress you were making, and maybe the surgery which was performed. I wish you the very best young lady and hope you didn't further damage that left knee. Good luck.
Please Help with my puppy! She is very stubborn and I cant break her for nothing?
I have a 6 month old lab/husky I have had her since 5 weeks. She is not housebroken, I take her out every 2 hrs still. She is crate trained though. I praise her for going outside. She jumps on the counter and eats stuff. Like tonight, I was fixing the kids plates and she jumped on the stove and took the WHOLE chicken. This is not the first time she has done something like this. She will sit, and lay but wont stay. She id so very hyper i need her to go in the down stay position, but she just wont. This is not my first dog I have trained dogs before but this one I just am at a loss. I have a nother puppy that is 6 months old I just got her a month ago she is a shephard mix. When I got her she was not housebroken, now she is. She is already learning the sit,stay and down, stay but if Nalla is around (my lab mix) Tasha (shephard mix) starts to act like her. Please help I feel like I am giving up and she is starting to spend more and more time in her crate. I do not like this nor want this for her she is a smart dog I can see it. She deserves better and I am just at a loss. Please Help we really need it. Plus my husband says she is going to have to go (he does not have patients) and he doen not understand that it is alot to train a dog.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Are haawk fans becoming more y than geelong during the season?
Whats wrong with being y, its all fun on this site. P.S The whole thing you wrote is pretty lame and i kinda wish you didn't barrack for the Hawks.
What do you think of the name Clotilda?
I'm really not keen on the name Clotilda - it reminds me way too much of the word clot, and that just makes me think of blood. I also think the name has quite a harsh sound to it - it doesn't sound very pretty or feminine. I'm not overly keen on Chloe because it's very common and overused, but I definitely prefer it to Clotilda - it sounds so much prettier. I love the name Tilly - it's adorable - but I prefer it as a nickname for Matilda. :]
I'm getting a bit bored of a sport?
Mix it up a bit. Play other sports alongside your rollerblading just to keep things interesting. Or you can stop rollerblading altogether, play other sports and then get back into rollerblading again later on. If you find that it's a struggle to get yourself rollerblading again, then you are definitely bored of it. Otherwise, you may find that you need a break from it. After all, if you are doing just about anything everyday, it will eventually get boring no matter what you're doing.
I need to know these Lyrics?
Can somebody tell me what the very last verse to the song So What'cha Want by the Beastie Boys is because no lyric site will tell me, and I love it the most, and it's really troubling me to be honest :)
What am i doing wrong in dead rising?
a week ago i went to my friends house and transfered my acount in to his xbox so we can play Live. when i went back home i noticed that there was nothing that said that i need to recover my account so i played normally i got 3 achivment on dead rising indoorsman outdoorsman and unbreakable 2 days after i got it it finally sayed that i needed to recover my account so i got it and when i went to see my achivments those 3 achivments were gone i redid all of them except indoors man i keep doing it and doing it but it dosent say that i unlocked the achivment (right when i start the game i go to enterance plaza and wait there for 24 hours is there something wrong?)
Are the Yahoo brownshirts testing new m censorship filters today?
Too tight boys even some of Barry's minions and other left wing lackeys are getting their questions deleted too.
Help please.. Pretty pretty please?
i find it to be more awkward if you say hi to him on facebook. say hi to him in school when you p him. see what he has to say. then try and start a conversation or something, see how it goes from there. dont rush though, best of luck :D
Why is California so amazing to people?
I have lived in Cali my whole life and i don't get why when people are like "Im going to california next month Wooo hoo!" I mean i love my home state but to me Disneyland got old. & So did Knotts berry farm. Maybe its because i live too much near all the tourism? The beaches are nice i guess but it isnt like how they show it in the pictures. Los Angeles is my County's Neighbor so i go there all the time! What makes california so amazing to people?
Any good restaurants with good beer on tap in LOS ANGELES anyone can recommend?
looking for a cool restaurant to go have a good meal and great beer. Does anyone know of any cool spots to hit in LA? A spot that's not $50 bux a plate haha. if you do let me know thanks.
100 calories snack before bed = bad?
Well, im on a diet and i eat around 1200-1300 calories everyday, exercise and so on. but i sometimes let myself eat an apple or drink a gl of nonfat milk before bed. i dont go over my calorie limit. But does that still affect weight loss?
Outfit for my sweet 16?
for my birthday i am having about 20 people and we are going to eat at fuji japanese steakhouse, then a few of my closest friends are going to spend the night at my house. everyone is gonna wear casual clothing. i already know i am going to wear a tiara on my head but i dont know what i should wear( a dress, romper, shorts and shirt?) any suggestions on what to wear and where to get it? oh and my sweet 16 is in may
Salary Requirement?
You should say something like "depends upon total benefits package". The reason is that you have to think of what a good 401k and good insurance package is worth against a slightly higher salary.
Does Dirk Nowitzki need more help in the 08-09 season?
i think he needs more help, there arent many big names on the team anymore, except Kidd, but he's getting old. They will probably do good in the regular season again, but will fold in the playoffs with out more help
I'm looking for a description or map which identifies the cultures where years are numbered as per Anno Domini?
"Common Era" isn't "Jesus-based." It's specifically open to all cultures, since there is no culture ociated with it. 1 is just an arbitrary starting date anyway, and, if you knew anything, you'd realize that Jesus wasn't born in 1 CE according to most Jesus scholars.
Need big fantasy trade help thx?
I would do the 2nd trade, could matty ice have a 2nd year slump?? and NO has a 3 headed monster at running back, they really like Mike Bell there. Garrard should have a good year and Holt will be his forst option.
In which year did Mahatma gandhi come back to India from South Africa?
After ping Bar-at law from England in 1892, gandhiji went to South Africa for law practice in 1983. Gandhiji came back to India in 1915.
Can someone please give me some advice on my Yu-Gi-Oh! deck?
you have way to many monsters, whether its for casual play or not you need to find cards tht mean something, even if its not a deck that is based upon certain monsters. i personally have about 20 monsters, 13 spells and 7 traps keeping t to a minimum of 40 cards for my deck and then add what ever cards for my extra deck as necessary. keeping monsters to a minimum is the bet a to allow yourself to draw thm making any strategies you may have easy to do as fast as possible. also themed decks are also the best type of deck to get used to the idea of building decks(not to sound paronising) andthen you can go custom. hope this helps.
What do you think of Augustine's views that man should not follow his own will ? read details?
Augustine had many good ideas, and having been born on his saint's day, I have always been interested in him, but this was not one of his best thoughts. I prefer to remember him as one of the first people to propose a theory of evolution, based on the Bible. I drove the poor nuns crazy with that one! Unfortunately, Augustine knew that no one can fully know the mind of God and the only guide most Christians belief that they have is the Bible (and other religions their scriptures) and those words were written by humans who are imperfect. They may have done their best to reveal what God had to say to humans, but even words are limited in exposing that knowledge and most mystics admit that their revelations are ineffable. Moreover, we must believe that God has a presence in all our lives, not just in spokespersons. Augustine was a person who believed that his life made him a particularly good spokesperson and, if truth be told, he probably believed people should believe what HE said as the voice of God. He, too, was an imperfect human being.
Will China Use It's Military Agressively?
not outright aggressively towards the US. china knows if it ever went to war agaisnt the US then: China's economy would collapse, china would lose, and china would lose half of its population
Why did Thomas Jefferson choose the Embargo Act of 1807 over war?
Why was he opposed to war with Britain? Why did he think that an embargo, regardless of economic effects, was a better choice than war?
When will the writ be moved for the Yeovil by-election?
Didn't David Cameron say that constituents will be able to force a by-election if their MP is guilty of wrongdoing? Mr Law's resignation suggests he admits to wrong doing. So when is the Yeovil by-election?
What is a simple non confusing way to ask a guy if he's interested in you like you are with him.?
I reallllly like this guy and i have for a while. But we had a dance and i was really jelous about his girlfriend. I was sitting out the whole time cause my friends were being stupid. As i was sitting there he asked me to dance and me being me... said no. I was so upset i started running to the bathroom and just cried. I felt so stupid because over the next few days he started to well basically take pitty on me. The thing is though he's my best friend. But now he mirrors me alot and fallows me around and it gets kinda annoying. But every time i try to talk to him now he kinda gets antsy and walks away. And he's never done that before. Am i making him too nervous to a point i will never get to ask him if he likes me back??? Or worse not on a date?
Why do some modern women marginalize a mans role as a provider ?
When a man is the sole breadwinner of a family modern women consider him lazy, unless he does half her work after being done with 100% of his work at the office. Is it because he is "trapped" when married with children and he doesnt really have a choice to provide or not, because she is well aware that she can enforce a payout out of him by court ? Do modern women marginalize a mans contribution because they are well aware it is not subject to his generosity but can be enforced by court ?
Help! Friend issue! What can I do? (This is for somebody else)?
Well the person in your situation should tell Alyssa. If they don't she will find out from someone else and wonder why it wasn't one of her friends that told her. It will be hard to tell her, but as long as she does it, things will turn out the best way possible. You can't argue that your siding with Alyssa and going against Opal as a friend because Opal betrayed Alyssa when she decided to hook up with Jake, so, take the advice and tell your blog person if you want, but I'm sure others could figure this one out.
Would you use someone else plate? Knife? Cup?
Would depend on my financial condition. I would prefer to buy new ones but when you eat in restaurants you eat off the same plates, silverware and cups as other people so I guess its not any big deal as long as they are clean.
Can anyone help me fill out a sports physical form for my son, the dr. left some questions blank?
I took my son to the doctor for a physical to play football. I filled out all of the medical history, and he checked all the usual: height, weight, pulse, & blood pressure. He signed and checked the box "cleared without restriction". My concern is that he left several items blank, and my son's school is VERY picky about having your i's dotted & your t's crossed if you know what I mean. I know that my son is in perfect health, I just need to know what to put in these blanks: Lymph, Heart, Skin, Abdomen, Hernia, Lungs, Heent, & Neck Back Extremities? Should these just be checked off as ok or should there be a yes\no answer, or something else? My son starts practice tomorrow, and I don't want to have to pay for another doctor's visit, PLEASE help me if you can!! Thanks!
How do these people stay alive?
I'm sure you know someone like this. Perhaps you are one of these people. They never eat vegetables. They eat only junk. Burgers fries, etc. They never eat anything that isn't completely processed. It boggles my mind how they don't develop severe dietary deficiencies like scurvy or beriberi. Personally I'm an omnivore. I had a salad today that included spinach, 5 different kinds of peppers, avocado, tomato, 2 different cheeses, kippered herring, green and black olives and blue cheese dressing. My resident junk food eater thought it was "disgusting".
Advice.. i really need honest answers?
That sounds really sweet.....but it also sounds like summer love...if he cannot wait 5 years for you to marry him...he doesn't truly love you.
So there's a US Navy Armada headed for Iran, and Russia invades Georgia. Precursors for World War 3?
Or am I getting carried away? If the joint US/EU naval fleet embargoes Iran, that is an act of war under international law. Iran could declare war on the US and Iran after that and then it's possible Russia and China could back their ally. That would be disastrous. And Russia is already in recent conflict with former USSR member Georgia. All of this on 8/8/08, the day the world's attention is on the Olympics in China. Coincidence? I think not. But what do you think?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
A misunderstanding with my avavtar name - how did yours happen?
I do like to have a gl of wine sometimes and when telling my family about you people they asked me what my name is and i said Cheri and then i quickly had to explain lol it is Cheri and not sherry as in Old Brown Sherry - and Cheri was the name of my cat
Translate Nigerian to English, help?
my guy sent me this message, he always sends in english, is he cursing me?tonia tas perkele? onko? dorta ja poista emme nyt moi
How much to charge? For custom sewing?
This is for my mom, I can't sew a lick, but she wants to know what a fair price to charge for sewing dancing costumes? She has been told anywhere from $5 to $15 per hour. She wants to be fair but also be compensated fairly for her work. They are Ukrainian dancing costumes for kids about size 6x, and they have been pretty particular about how they are made and embellished, with machine stitched and sewn on trim. and each outfit consists of a little dress, a vest, and an apron. So any feedback would be great, and very much appreciated.
Can you explain the sections of the Montreal Quebec underground city?
There are sections of the underground city. Peel, Mcgill, Place de arts, St, Laurent, Berri Uqam, and Beaudry. We are visiting the city and dont know what section of the underground city to go to since it's so large. Can someone give me an overview of what is at each section like store wise? What is your favorite section?
How do I go about legally changing my last name?
I have an asian last name, I'm sick of having to say it at least 3 times and people get the spelling wrong even if I use a phonetic alphabet. Some of the things that people come up with make absolutely no sense to me, just because it's foreign doesn't make my name gibberish. What problems would I encounter, and is it expensive? thanks
I need insight on a fantasy baseball trade...?
the injury hurts, but that's life, it happens. prado is better than kelly johnson. johnson is streaky. if u didn't have cano already at 2nd, uming you only have to start 1 2b, i would say bad trade. but with u already having cano it makes it good trade. choo is great for many things like power, speed, hits, BA.
Back HOA fees and back taxes, who pays them in short sale?
The buyer umes all liability for taxes and hoa fee's if the lender refuses. I would think if you are paying an attorney to represent you, you wouldn't ask this legal question to a bunch of yahooian's! We're not experts, your attorney is. Waste of good money when you could have used a Realtor for free.
College acceptances for the future?
It seems like getting into college is becoming more competitive each year by the statisitics of acceptance rates. I will be a senior next year, and I am doing all I can to do well in school, but I was just curious... what will the cl of 2015 (for college) acceptance rate be like? When will it ever decrease? Will it ever? In the very far future, will everyone become super brainy geniuses to get into a university? Thanks. :)
English riders, saddle help?
get a picture of its side not at an angle from the front , people want to see this saddle . what did the origional ad say for this saddle ? try saying something like that in your ad . hope i helped[:
Options galore for Evernham drivers...?
all i hope is that this deal will make everything turn around for them especially the results ray hasn't been able to pay as much attention to his teams because business is getting in the way but when this deal is made look out for their season to turn around!! hopefully!! go kasey!!!!!
Where is the number of folder items?
I have a folder with a whole boatload of pics, but does not show me a total number of pics in the folder itself. The file types are all the same, and about the same amount. Is there a way to bring up the total in some kind of drop down menu I am missing? It stinks counting them and trying to get a total only to change it every week or so when I add more or delete pics. It's windows XP.
Were the Jewish laws enforced in ancient Israel?
There were different Jewish religious factions that followed them to different degrees. The Pharisees said the laws were open to interpretation and they needed to be updated to keep up with the times, the Essenes kept to the original laws and lived away from cities and didn't accept Temple worship, and it was a branch of the Zealots called the Sicarii who supposedly would kill other Jews for violating law.
US Citizen married to immigrant from UZbekistan wanting to move to EU?
I am a US citizen married to Immigrant from Uzbekistan. He will be getting deported soon to his it country and I want to know if he can benefit from my citizenship to move to another country with me.
I love my B/friend so much but we dont have enough and?
you don't have to have at all i mean your not being selfish if you don't want to have then dont have it
How would you describe these Food Network stars?
Most of the time when I watch Food network, I am tuning into watch Paula's show. I love the food she cooks. Paula is down to earth and I enjoy her show. I love some good country cooking i.e. soulfood. I think the same of Rachal and Giada. They are like the people next door.
Who should I drop for Phil Hughes?
i would recommend you set lohse free but capuano is an option as well......hell they both suck so release them both back into the wild...there has to be better dudes out there...all the best
Hikes and fishing in Lake Tahoe?
I am a decent fly fisherman and enjoy finding desolate creeks/rivers to fish in. I am a fan of Lake fishing but I find that fishing creeks and rivers is much more fun. I like to fly fish or lure fish and I am looking for spots to go around Lake Tahoe, willing to drive up to an hour. If anyone knows some good places that I could hike into, I would appreciate some help. I know that it is not common to give out "secret" fishins so don't feel obligated to do so unless you are willing to share. I will continue to research the web but thought I could get a jump start by asking. Thanks in advance!
Why are non-libertarians so intolerant?
Sooo true. Honestly, i think it's because Socialists, basically all Governments, Religious communities and leaders, etc all have one thing in common that libertarians do not share: They think they know better than everybody else. And they think that they can better judge what is good for an individual than they can. It irritates me soo much.
I have a dual-core Pentium 4.?
I didn't think they existed. Yet, in Device Manager, it lists TWO Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz. What the heck? Anyone else with one of these oddities? It's faster than my dad's Pentium D, which is 3.00GHz.
Middle name suggestions...?
I would say Maia would sound best with a three-syllable middle name, preferably one that starts with an "A", like annalise or something. Go through a baby names book and yell Maia with each name you like and your last name and see which one you think fits best.
Smh What Do Think When You Read Somthing Like This?
Hes just being brutally honest. Many rappers really are in just for the money. Look at what Nas Did to Cormega.
Shopping for cute toys, anime/drama/movie memorabilia, weird gadgets in Tokyo?
Where, in Tokyo, is a good place to go shopping for cute toys, anime/drama/movie memorabilia, and weird gadgets? When I go to Japan, I want to bring back some unique gifts for my family and friends, but what type of stores should I look in for these things?
Need a potluck dish for 25 people?
Ok here is the details..It is a semi formal sweet 16 birthday party..Potluck style. Invite says meat is provided.. What would be something good and easy that will be a crowd pleaser. It says bring enough to serve at least 25. But there will be more then that many people there..
Has anybody ever had a situation where you were jealous of someone and what you were jealous of...?
they had some bad luck in? I didn't mean this person any harm, but I did feel jealous of this person and the person suffered bad luck in what I was jealous about. I wonder if some sort of metaphysical law exists regarding jealousy?
This may be a rediculous question, but does water contain ions? Straight H2O. No solutes.?
The question is quite true Water will ionise to form 1 H+ and 1 OH- ion, from a molecule of H2O. In neutral water the are 10^-7 mol of ions of each type in 1 litre of water. You will more correctly see the H+ ion written as H3O+ ion. As you will gather from this the ionisation of water is not very high.
How do you get wrinkles out of a raincoat?
I never thought of ironing my raincoat. Everytime after used, I 'll hang it dry and then folded it back. It never come into my mind about ironing it. but is really a good question. I think about it very hard and search in the internet but couldn't find any solution provided. Maybe nobody ever think of it before. So you are the first one. But do you want to get rid the wrinkles because it is very hard to fold your raincoat nicely flat? Then maybe you can try rolling them up tightly after you have folded them flat. The next day when it rains, hopefully the raincoat will not that wrinkled (due to overlong stretch).Thanks
Bf2 c4 trick?
how do guys blow themselves up to the top of a building with c4 and not kill themselves? does someone else need to detonate the c4?
Is this not funny stuff....eh?
well i guess wal-mart is being more honest than they've ever been before, and being a parent, i do not like to think about my kid partying at college. scary thought.
Are the ohio caverns handicap accessible?
call the ones u r interested in seeing and ask but most caverns have places much too narrow or low for that...
Why are professional comedians on Last Comic Standing?
This doesnt seem fair to the others. I saw Thea Vidal on there and she had her own sitcom. I saw the semi cross-eyed that's always on VH-1 and Dante was on comicview all the time.
Did frazier and ali ever make peace?
Apart from Ali's apology coursed through Marvis Frazier in that locker room in Manila, he also asked for Joe Frazier's private number from the latter's publicist Butch Lewis. But Frazier wouldn't give his number. In the doentary "Beyond The Glory: Joe Frazier", it is mentioned that Ali and Frazier hugged and made up during an NBA All Star Game early in the decade. I don't know, however, if the gesture was sincere. I've always believed that Ali's taunts and insults on Joe were not personal and simply part of his shtick and psy-war tactics. After Ali's "near-death" experience in Manila, I thought his apology was sincere. Unfortunately, Joe's hatred for Ali had gone deep. I think it wasn't just Ali he's ranting about, but also what Frazier thought as his lack of recognition as a former heavyweight and Olympic champion.
Olga could not memorize the poem because of its length and complexity.?
I think it would depend on what Olga found to be complex..Actually it could be any or all of the choices you provided..
What is the gossip all about on Meagan McCain's scanel?
She posted a photo on her Twitter feed that showed a little . The Republican commentators, being ually-repressed nutwads, promptly went into a righteousness frenzy. It's a storm in a teaspoon.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Why would a girl do this?
So i was at the bar last saturday night and i was talkin to this cute bartender and we were talkin for like an hour joking around and just having a good conversation and i brang up the avenged sevenfold concert this dec and asked her if she wanted to go cuz i didnt have anyone to go with yet and she said sure.....so a little later i asked her again if she was serious just to be sure and she said yea again so i asked her for her number and she was hesitant at first but gave me it anyway, so i called her last night (tues) for the first time and she didnt pick up or call me back i left a message sayin i was just seein what she was up to u kno i forgot to leave my number but if she was interested im sure she could of just looked it up on the caller id....it was her number too she didnt give me a decoy, what should i make of this? should i text her or sumthin was she just agreeing with me for the hell of it? im so tired of getting rejected im not ugly i just cant seem to have any luck lately or sumthin help!
Quick ? about Air France flight 447...?
Reports are varied on this. It appears that a cross between air speed, weather and turbulence (from the weather) is the likely culprit at this time. They are still way too early in the process to rule out other factors, but these appear to be the most likely. If this scenario occurred, the plane was probably struck by lightning and lost some of it's power. This could easily cause the autopilot to disengage (automated message that was sent to air traffic control) and either damage the radio (no mayday) or make it so the pilots were unable to communicate through the storm. The air speed going into major turbulence would be a key. Imagine riding a bike on a street where someone was using a jackhammer. If you approached slowly, you would be able to compensate as the pounding became intense. Now imagine riding down the street quickly and the jackhammer starting when you were right next to it. This would allow for no compensation and would probably make you lose your balance. A plane traveling at a higher rate of speed that hits extreme turbulence could "break-up". This, of course, is only an explanation of how turbulence "could" have caused the crash. I am guessing it will be several weeks before we know what actually happened.
Which girl name do you like best?
I love all of them, but I will pick Anneliese Ivy as my favourite, I think Anneliese and Ivy just fit together beautifully and it sounds so elegant and graceful
What does Mexico need more?
i think we need a borgetti type player......hes a type of player that was always reliable and could score at any moment......the problem with the players we have right now is that they miss to many shots
Medical for Air Force, spouse?
They will do a medical physical, then ign you depending on current health to a specialist, if you are good to go, then you can get a check up ign, which will be at a much later date.
Why isn't Alan Trammell in the Hall of Fame yet? Will he ever make the HOF? In 20 seasons with the ?
I don't see it happening. He didn't reach any magic numbers (3000 hits, 500 HRs) and was never a league MVP. Look at it this way, Dale Murphy's numbers are far superior to Trammell's, (398 HR, 7x all star, 5x Gold Glove, 4x Silver Slugger, 2x League MVP, Roberto Clemente Award, 13th longest consecutive game streak in history) and he is only pulling 10-15% in voting every year.
Why don't most people know that Obama has far less experience and accommplishments than Sara Palin?
because 6 out o 10 people never voted before this election and didnt look into the canadates histories they are the ones that never vote but always complain about elected officials well right now they are waiting because that is what he is telling them to do but america cant wait forever and these people will be whining then too but me im mad as i can be now cause i pay attention to what is going on
What to do with my parents?
I am an adult and I understand how you feel. I also understand how your parents feel. Let me explain to you what is going on. It doesn't matter "who started it", but they are acting like they don't trust you and you are acting like you can't be trusted. It is a complete cycle that just keeps going around and around. Someone has to break the cycle or it is going to get worse and worse until they say something so mean to you that it hurts you so badly that you won't have any respect for them anymore at all, you will disobey everything because you feel it's hopeless, and something catastrophic could happen like you running away. As the adults, your parents should be doing a better job taking responsibility for stopping the cycle. They should be reading parenting books. However, they are not, so it is up to you to break the cycle. Please go to a bookstore and find books on parenting teenagers. If you can find one that's written by a Christian psychologist (someone with a Phd, or Edd, or MD at the end of their name) that would be great, but any parenting book will probably do. Read through them until you find the trust issues you are talking about and how the expert guides the parents to handle it in the proper way. Now you can do one of two things (or both) - parent yourself and do the stuff that the expert says to break the cycle; or show your parents the book with the pages marked that apply to you and say "I really want us to get along better, and I think the stuff in this book will help. I read it, will you? I'd be willing to do my part if you do yours as suggested in the book." That's a really mature thing for a 14 year old to do, and I would imagine your parents would be impressed by your maturity and your willingness to work through the conflict, and they should also be a little embarred that they didn't think of it first (but don't gloat).
I have degenerative disk disease and moderate disk herniation?
im currently serving in the national gaurd but i havenet been to basic yet. and just this week i found out that i have degenerative disk disease and that one of my disks is practically gone, and i have moderate hurniation in another disk. all in my back in the lower spinal area. im 18 years old, and i know its rare for me to have it at this age, but i was wondering if i will be honorably discharged from the military with these problems. im also a symptamatic, so i really dont feel the pain.
What is the funniest thing you have ever done in a mall or shop?
i stole $2000 worth of merchandise because i was mad at the store for not letting me return a $100 watch.
Do you think she likes me?
My first thought is that she's stringing u both along just to see which one asks her out first. Plus u got to ask yourself will u be happy being with her if she is still texting this guy all the time??
Should I count the first three days of old blood?
I started My period on the first and ended it on the tenth. I was told that the tenth day after you count the first day of your period is the ovulation day! The first three days were brown old blood,"spotting" and then more red towards the end! I counted the first three days and checked to see if I was ovulating yesterday and I wasn't Some has said it's the fourteenth day what do you think? we did go ahead and make love last night and I put my bum under a pillow for an hour Oh and she also told me that my husband can have a higher sperm count by waiting 5 days, my doctor said it did not matter he told me to make love everyday? I am confused.
Am I having a migraine?
The pain is localized around the right side of my head and my right eye. It's not throbbing or tingling. I'm finding it very hard to concentrate on anything, and noise and light make it worse. I had no blind spots or tingling sensation before the pain started. I feel slightly nauseous. It feels like I have a fever, but I can't find a thermometer to check. I do have a history of headaches. (There was a period of about 6 months several years ago when I had almost constant headaches, but some physical therapy to loosen muscles resolved that.) Migraine or severe headache?
Can someone with Hepatitis A drink Milk? Is Milk Thistle a good thing to take while sick with it?
I have not heard of someone with Hep A having a problem with drinking milk. I am leary of herbal medications as there are not regulated by the FDA and the effects are not really known. That being said some herbal medications can be quite effective.
Does this sound like a healthy dinner to you?
Sounds awesome...I wish there was some protein in there.(other than the pecans). Protein will prevent you from being hungry later, and help keep your lean muscle...maybe some citrus grilled fish or chicken..that would be great.
Would it be advantageous for Obama to replace Janet Napolitano? Why?
Well yes, of course, but she's untouchable. She's an obese , which is clearly in the PC protected cl. So if Americans must die or get hared with nonsensical peep show and junk feeling procedures, so be it. PC doctrine MUST be respected at all times.
Should I buy a monitor, or a cpu?
Your monitor is have only 16". Because of that he can not go in high resolution. And, you will have a bad graphic on games. CPU that you have are enough for now. I was able to run GTA IV with that CPU and it works perfect. You decide do you want better graphic or faster computer.
i see mine about once a year, twice some years,,,it has been about 30 years since we started this in college....once we had a 4 year gap....
Adrenal Disease in Ferrets?
Here is a website you can find out everything you will ever want to know about adrenal disease in ferrets. Try calling your local animal shelter. The one where I live gives out vouchers for office visits to the vet. At least they can give you some advise for the time being until you can save up for diagnostic testing. Good luck hope all goes well.
Could i be pregnant???
No but I do think you are engaging in extremely high risk practices. You are 14? Having with a 17 year old that's "done" lots of girls?? And what did all those girls have disease wise that he has now shared with you? Possibly the whole list of STD's including AIDS. What on earth are you thinking??
What's up with my dog's nose?
In the morning I see a thin white streak outlining the top of the nose near where it goes into the rest of the muzzle. It looks like it came from a paintbrush. The streak is not raised, and it comes off with a wet washcloth. There is no mucus around the nostrils, either. What is it?
What ever happened to Deborah Cox...did you like her music ?
Yeah, I loved her music. She was an amazing singer. I wish more good singers, like her, come back out again!
What do you think of this girls name? Are they too matchy for siblings?
I love Jordana, I actually considered it for my daughter and I like it even more because it has meaning to you :) I think they go well together, Michaela and Jordana.
(ramadan)Best snow day snacker..?
After I come back in from throwing snow or sledding, depends upon time of day, hot chocolate of course, but also some homemade veggie soup is good for a warmup too.
Adults: Have I handled this wrong or am I clear in what I'm thinking? (It's long, 511 words.)?
I think shs is not interested in you at the moment. May be her priorities are set elsewhere. But she is definately not much into you at this point as if she would have even thought you as a friend or more, she would have told you that she is busy and given a reason. The way she is ignoring you, she is trying to say that she is not interested at all. If I were you, would just send her 1 last text, apologising for being bit impatient and tell her that you will not bother her anymore, however, if she wants, you will always be around. Let her come back to you.
How much is a Wayne Gretzky Rookie Card worth that is autographed on the back of the case?
If the autograph is on the card itself, it can fetch up to $3000. If it is not on the card, it will fetch much less. The card itself (O-Pee-Chee) gets anywhere from $400-$1000 in excellent condition. Shortly after his first child was born, he signed his last copies of his Topps and OPC rookie cards, and supposedly hasn't signed any since.
I have HSV should i take Apo-acyclovir?
maybe you can ask the question at the std dating social site called pozcupid. may people have and are experienced.
What's the difference between being fluent in a language and "native like?"?
Fluent is a fuzzy term, but it's generally taken to mean that you don't have to hesitate or stop to think about how to say things. It's really just another word for "flowing" if that helps clarify it. "Native-like" is the point at which the only "mistakes" you usually make are the ones that natives do. Pope Benedict, for example, is just barely fluent in English (from what I've heard) and he's certainly not even close to native-like.
Where can I download Greta soundtrack?
I got it i just downloaded from the official page of Kristin Hersh if u want it send me your email also i have a few others.... :D also Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea
OK Heres the story, I adopted a dog from this lady in North Carolina, I live up here in Syracuse NY, She told me that she would ship the puppy by registering Berry (the dog) with these people called the Royal Pets Shippers, so I had to pay a $180, I payed it yesterday and everything seem to be going just fine intill to today I get a email from them telling me that they can not send me my dog intill I pay $550 for a electronic dog create to bring her up here, they said I would get the $550 back as soon as I get the dog, but the thing is I dont have $550 to pay for this create, it makes me mad because they NEVER said anything about having to rent a create, sooooo now my baby is stuck in Atlanta airport and I have no way of getting her!!!!! What should I DO!!!!
Welder or Machinist better pay?
I work at a machine shop as a forklift driver, welder helper, machinist helper (drill press mostly) and aslo I'm the cleanup guy and make out the tickets.The shop is 90% oilfield work mostly center around threads.However my dad is the one teaching me how to weld he's been doing for 25 years, but still not sure what my future holds.
I want to get Phantom of the opera tixs in LA but which seats are good?
I was gonna go with my french cl to one in Denver but I don't like the teacher anymore and wouldn't be able to handle the long drive on the bus with that *****
I need a myspace display name i like emo/scene names?
but i cant think of any my name is kristina...my favorite color is black...idk what else i could say i just want something thats really cool that i could use for a long time!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Whats your opinion on the final fight scenes in Transformers 3 (spoilers contained)?
i thought the fight with sentinel prime was really good but the fight with megatron was weak..i dont get how megatron kicks his *** in 1.. in 2 its mostly equal till the end and in 3 optimus destroys him in 2 seconds but i would of like to see megarton kill sentianl prime it doesn make optimus like invinseable but overall it was a great movie.
What can I do about a skunk smell that is in my house that happened after my dog was sprayed by one?
We used the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda with dish soap on the dog and that worked, but our house smells horrible! I've tried all the neutralizer (Fa-breeze, Glade, etc.) but that just covers up the smell for a few minutes. Help!! We're desperate!
Celebrity gossip: has the media gone to far?
I agree with you. I am getting really tired of hearing what Brittney, Lindsay, Paris, and Nicole are up to. The news needs to get back to just that...THE NEWS!! We have tabloids if we really want to read about celebrities. Other countries must be laughing at us. Sad.
Do profligate explanations define the typical theist?
Profligate explanations define the floppiest, deafening relaxation. The typical theist defines the deftest, cheapest nihility shiftily seething his/her pittance.
Where can I find an expert on Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes?
I am doing a school report on the effect of Western Diamondback Rattlesnake venom on human blood, and for one of my sources, I need to talk to an expert.
Which team would win in a 7 game series, The 2006 Miami Heat or The 2009 Los Angeles Lakers?
to be honest i think d wade would make kobe look a fool because kobes getting up there in age wad3 has took the role of best player kobes old lebrick lacks any skill its only size and athleticism wade would shut kobe down i think shaq is to much to handle even on the decline and the exp the heat have is just to much
Can someone explain the diction in this quote?PLEASE I NEED HELP!?
"Take for instance that new house of his. It had two stories with porches, with bannisters and such things. The rest of the town looked like servants' quarters surrounding the "big house." And different from everybody else in the town he put off moving in until it had been painted, in and out. And look at the way he painted it - a gloaty, sparkly white." (Chapter 5, pg. 44)
I really need ur help!!!?
Girl! Consider yourself to be lucky, because he likes you. He's trying to cover up his answer with a maybe which often means yes. He totally likes you and is totally shy about it. I mean, if you were him, wouldn't you do the same thing? Good luck!
*Scared* someone please give advise?
Im going to try to make this fast. I had unprotected , about 5 days later i started having a light pink discharge. I had already looked into implantation bleeding so i became excited. the next two or three days i continued to only have a discharge of light pink or either a brownish color. The discharge or spotting began to slow down so i figured it was about to stop. The next day (day 4) i began to bleed again, enough to need a panty liner but thats it but it was red, not bright red but like a dingy red or dark red. I figured maybe this was ok to. Day 5 and 6 color blood was still red and sometimes bright with a little bit of what seemed like clots. I had a few days of small cramping during those 6 days but they were faint and not often in my lower stomach, I also had mild headaches on and off just about each day. Well today (day 7) I really thought the spoting had stopped but by the end of the night I had spots of red again, Ive also had a tugging feeling in my right side and a little in my left and a sort of cramping feeling in my lower stomach. Well of course I reserched it and the topic of ectopic pregnancy came up. Now im pretty scared that either I never was pregnant, was and maybe it didnt go through, or im going through the ectopic pregnancy bc of the side pains. I have not had my period yet. Also my cycle has never been like this. Im usually very normal except the time i stopped my bc pills and I bled for like 7 days and that was heavy (very)..... sorry for so much writting, can someone please tell me something ?
Obama recently did an interview with Fox News. How many times has Bush done an interview with MSNBC?
I just imagined Bush and Cheney doing an interview with Bill Maher and lol'd. They'd get steamrolled.
I loose my hair a lot?
I don't know why. It's just weird, like when I shower and put the shampoo in and lather it up I loose hair. and when I brush my hair a lot comes out. I have shoulder length hair so why is this happening? I'm only 14.
Does anyne else NOT wanta end up like there parents?
i think everyone does.. We learn from their mistakes as well as own own mistakes.. My mum goes silent and when u speak to her u know she has the shits but she reckons she doesnt! Then makes u feel so bloody bad and u have done nothing!! So bloody anoying!!! my dad just goes off his block ..
What is your favorite of Singapore?
It can be food, location, event, or item distinct to Singapore. If you maybe have moved out of Singapore what do you miss the most from back home? If you live in Singapore what do you absolutely enjoy that is only uniquely found to be ociated with Singapore?
Burn marks on skin...............please help, really appreciate it...?
okay got some burn makrs on skin done with a spatula type thing, its about 2 days after it was done and its weeping , sticking to my clothes and seems to be scabbing up,and some green skin peeling off, is this good news, really appreciate a good long answer which would help me out.will it scar, it ws pressed on my skin for about 1-2 secs 4 secs max and i cooled it with cold water and an ice pack after,it seems to be going more pinky and white / brown patchers are starting to appear,thanks
Don't wanna get screwed by Uhaul. Please help (trying to help mom)?
First thing, I would highly recommend contacting Budget Truck Rental & Penske Truck Rental about renting a cargo van or smallest truck for a round trip business rental so you get a much cheaper mileage rate. It would be a higher daily rate tho.
Does General Anaesthetic Cause Shortness Of Breath?
The trouble is there is no real context to your question. Broadly the answer is no, a correctly administered anaesthetic, even in an asthmatic, should not make you breathless. It is possible to have an allergic reaction to various anaesthetic gases, this is rare and no more common in asthmatics than in the general population.
Has anyone used "Pe Min Kan Wan formula" for chronic sinusitis?
After taking antibiotics, steroids both oral and spray, I still have to take Allegra D 12 hours tablets 1-2 times daily for headaches. I would like to try "Pe Min Kan Wan formula". Personal recommendations would be appreciated from those who have used "Pe Min Kan Wan formula" for chronic sinusitis. Thank you.
Is it cute when a girl is a klutz?
Well I am the most clumsy chick you will ever meet and most guys think its cute as long as I don't like break my face or anything :P lol
I dont understand Age of mythology The Titans?
In the titans, it says that the atlantian gods were gaia oranos and kronos, but how can this be if they were all greek gods?
Will Impeached Judge Samuel Kent run for the House of Reps now,like Impeached Judge Alcee Hastings did?
Or is it only the Dems who have formerly Impeached Judges and other such Low-Lifes Elected to Office?
Who remembers Damien Dimento????
Pointless question, I know but I love bringin up random wrestlers from the old school and just seein what people think when they hear the name haha
Should I make this Fantasy trade?
Absolutley. You should accept, although it is extemely unfair for the othe person. Mark Teixeira always heats up later in the season and Nate McLouth has been great all year. You also get a 21 save pitcher, not too many of those.
Can you make a smoothie without milk and water to substitute?
Can you make a smoothie without milk and water to substitute see my mom wont let us use the milk so i was wondering if you can make it with water and or soda?? I'm using strawberries watermelon gs and cantaloupe
30 years ago 20 men chasing a blackman would have been called the klu klux klan, now its called formula 1?
I told this joke on this site the other day and got pretty much the same reactions.This is not a racist joke !The black people I know think it's very funny,even a compliment.It seems nowadays people are looking for offensive meanings without thinking Get a life. Good joke,mate,ignore them!
Blocked ear....possible perforated eardrum? should i worry? :o(?
You could have some type of mild infection or wax build-up.You should see your doctor so they can take care of it.But don't put anymore Q-Tips in your ear because all you will do is push the wax back and clog your ear further.
I need to do a presenation on fundraising to the town council to be hire as a fundraiser for the village?
I have 9 councillor's and a mayor to convince them to hire me as a fundraiser for the village and keep them interest and how important this would be for the village and help the non profit organizations when they need money we would have a funds available to help them.
Period? or pregnancy(women only.)?
My first question is , how long has it been since your last period? The symptoms you are describing do sound like a pregnancy that is in the later stages of the 1st trimester. I say late 1st trimester due to the stretch marks and no weight gain. Forget the home pregnancy tests. I think it may be time to go to the doctor. this way you will know for sure and begin prenatal care. I hope this has helped and best of luck to you!
My first time Dking(Dragon killing)?
Ok so I've been a member before. Ive done Lost City quest for fun never thought it would use a Dds or a D long because i did it at 50 attack so i was not a member anymore so i trained attack for fun and got 60 attack. Now, I've seen people that have Dked and seen videos so im becoming a member sometime today and i want to know what is good armour I can use and what good dragon weapon is should use, only dragon long and dds. And what amulet to use and any gloves like from F O G or something. I dont got good stats but this are my stats: Strength: 64 Attack: 60 Defence: 41 Combat 68 and i got some magic and pray no range though. So if you can please help me I'll choose as best answer. Also what boots i should use and stuff and some bonus to protect against you know revs'. I will choose best answer only for he who is VERY specific on armour and weapon and wich 1 hits hard and good bonus against magic for revs. Also i cant afford God armour so don't ask me to buy God armour. Im Bsinguin543.
Melanoma troubles please help!?
hello. today i went to the dermatologist and while he was examining my moles, he also looked at my dad. everything was fine with him accept the doctor found a blackish little mole on the top of my dads right ear. He said that he would have to remove it in a couple of months. He also said a guy he saw earlier had a similar thing and it turned out that guy had melanoma. the doc said that it is probably nothing but it could, could, be melanoma. It is relatively very small and the doc said it was a little tiny bit abnormal. we just got back from turks and caicos. I am afraid that my dad might have melanoma. If he does what happens. im paranoid right now and im so scared. help. could it already have spread? should i be afraid? please help
I am flying from Phoenix to Beijing. Is 2hours 25mins enough time for a layover in LAX?
My flight from PHX arrives at 11:15PM on US Air so I am guessing that is Terminal 1. My flight to Beijing departs at 1:40AM from Bradley on China Air leaving me with 2hrs 25mins for a layover. The ticket was booked on kayak.com so I'm not sure if it is a code share. Is that enough time to change terminals? Will I need to pick up my bags and haul them to Bradley or will they be sent to China Air? What is the shuttle service like between terminals? I will have 2 70lb checked bags plus carry on with me. It would be difficult to walk between terminals if my luggage is not sent to China Air for me. What is check in/security like at 11:30PM? Is security for an international flight similar to security for a domestic flight? Will I need to go through customs? This is my first international flight and I am very nervous. Thank you for any answers you may be able to provide. If you have additional tips or advice I would appreciate it!!!!
Title for My Story???????
pcking a title for a story is quite hard u need to think of something silmiar to it i didnt understand what u said cause it was quite confusing for me but i havent got a title for it am very sorry its quite confusing for me
Chemical used in pcb...?
what is that chemical used to dissolve the copper from the pcb?the chemical name and the chemical symbol...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
How can I overcome my rotator cuff (shoulder) problems while working out?
I dislocated my shoulder years ago doing lat pulldowns of all things.I know exactly the frustration you are going through. The only thing that helped me was a piece of equipment called the "shoulder horn." It targets the infraspinatus and teres minor (the weakest of the rotator cuff muscles) See a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_F73IVzJfQ" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_F73IVzJ…/a This small muscles never really get any work,and they help stabilize the shoulder joint. That is why so many weight trainers have shoulder problems,I learned the hard way. Hope this helps.
What is the height of the tram lines in melbourne city australia??!?
I was there just last year and can confirm that they are quite high, and Nicolson St is moderately wide.
What is the difference between...?
What is the difference between au gratin potatoes and scalloped potatoes? I always thought that au gratin were cheesy, and scalloped were not, but I'm eating cheesy scalloped potatoes right now. So, now I'm really confused. Please tell me the difference. Thanks!
I am attracted to an older woman?
I am 19, and I am attracted to a 40 year old woman. I actually think she might be interested in me too. Is there anything wrong with this? How could I broach the subject without asking straight out if she is interested in me?
What sign in general do you think is a blatant conspicuous consumer and what sign is a tightwad?
Just in your experience if you know someone that buys expensive things and flaunt wealth whether they have it or not, or someone who is very frugal. What is their sun sign?
I got a "science kit" a long time ago that came with a bunch of chemicals. what is this stuff?
i got this science kit thing when i was like 9. now im 16. and i remembered it coming with 4 little bottles of chemicals but i didnt remember what they were. so i got bored and i just now got them out of the basement. the bottles contain salt, blue die, shrimp eggs, and eosin. im pretty sure its just a thingy where you can grow baby shrimp. but what the heck is eosin? the cap to the bottle is red. when you look at it it just looks like a red sponge with drops of red liquid stained into the insides of the bottle. from the time that i first got it til right now, i have never opened any of the bottles. and to be honest, im kind of scared to lol. but using these four things (i dont have very much of any of them) how would i grow baby shrimp? is there anything else i could do that would be cool with this stuff? and what the heck is eosin? would the shrimp eggs be dead now since they are like 7 years old? they appear to be in a tiny airtight plastic baggie.
Will this outfit work or am I going to come off looking like a slut/trying too hard/overdressed/etc?
I'm sure you can find cuter shoes. He'll think your trying too hard if you suddenly change into a preppy girl. Try flats :) Heels dont really go with that outfit
I'm really mad at someone, how do I let that go?
I'm mad at someone who dissed me. I realize I am a better person than he is. Both in physical beauty and personality wise. He has a real shortcoming if you know what I mean. I was overlooking all of these things because of his sweet talk. I thought I should look beyond the physical and focus on inner beauty, apparently that is just as bad as the outward appearance. It's just I am so irritated that someone would tell me all kinds of sweet talk and then treat me that way. How can I just let it go? For most people, this wouldn't be that difficult. But, I'm all alone with no friends near me and I'm not working so all I have to do is sit around and think of this...and do my stupid job search all day long. I'm just angry that someone would lead me on and disappear. Especially someone who I was liking for his personality and forgiving some major flaws like: obesity, poor performance in the bedroom, less than average toolbox size, and mountains of extra body hair that only a weed wacker could tame. His back was hairier than his chest. The thing is, I had unprotected with him because I thought he was an honest guy. Now I know otherwise. Please tell me how to get over my anger and relax over this whole thing.
Does hitting the reset on on a JVC hard disk camcorder gz-mg70U erase all the videos you recorded?
I wouldn't think so but it might reset all the settings such as time or whatever other preferences you have on there. But just to be sure I would check the manual, if you don't have the manual I would check online for it at jvc.com.
Torn rotator cuff. HELP?
Go to the doctor and do EXACTLY what he says. i know its tough girl to not play but you have to protect and take care of yourself. bottom line. if you have to miss district then oh well. the future games is what you need to save yourself for.
I need a good rifle scope!?
I need a scope for my rifle that has a good range, from 150 to 450. Price isn't a huge deal but between $100 to $300, maby $400 but that's pushing it. No mil-dots because they are confusing!!!! i just tried a bsa scope and it really sucks
How do I get my lab to enjoy swimming?
My chocolate lab loves when I throw the ball around outside to her, but lately it has been unbearably hot outside and she just gets exhausted. I bought her a decently sized blow up pool for her to swim in but she doesn't seem to like it. Every time she gets in she just hops right back out, i tried to throw the ball into the pool also for her to chase after but the same thing happend. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Could this possibly have affected me?
When I was around 8 years old, a pair of men tried to kidnap me but there was no physical contact. There were only things like bribery and slow-approaching. I just remembered this and it feels very weird. Could this have affected me?
I have a question about argumentation and debate procedures/ expectations... look at additional details for ?
It is acceptable to take your opponent’s views out of context and misrepresent them slightly in order to further your own argument.
The worm, funny or not.?
A little boy and his grandfather are raking leaves in the yard. The little boy finds an earthworm trying to get back into its hole. He says, "Grandpa, I bet I can put that worm back in that hole." The grandfather replies, "I'll bet you five dollars you can't. It's too wiggly and limp to put back in that little hole."The little boy runs into the house and comes back out with a can of hair spray. He sprays the worm until it is straight and stiff as a board. Then he puts the worm back into the hole.The grandfather hands the little boy five dollars, grabs the hair spray, and runs into the house. Thirty minutes later the grandfather comes back out and hands the little boy another five dollars.The little boy says, "Grandpa, you already gave me five dollars."The grandfather replies, "I know. That's from your grandma."
Who is that female author who writes gossipy women's books, like In the City Style..?
She has been on the NYT best sellers list I am sure...she writes books about women, , fashion....I can't think of the name....Her books have become hits and now we are seeing all these books like The Devil Wears Prada, Nanny Diaries, etc. Help! :)
When's the last time a team had a lineup that had everyone hitting .300 or above?
Its not a trivia question I really want to know. After the angels game i was looking at the box score and was shocked to see that everyone on the lineup from Chone Figgins to Erick Aybar were .300 or above and that got me wondering. I know it doesn't mean much and it could be lost depending on each game but i have never seen that before in my 8 years of following baseball. Has anyone else seen it?
Worthy of a breakup? Did I overreact?
So I've been with this girl a couple of months. We are at a party the other night, and she was pretty much irritated at me all day (she wouldn't say why, which is one problem I have with her - never expresses things directly). So I had some built up frustration... anyways, at the party she pretty much went off and did her own thing. I catch up with her, and some drunk guy is invading her personal space (to the point where she needs to move her head back to avoid his drunk blabbering). So I move in and tell him nicely but sternly to "step away" - he said "f*** off", so I pushed him (not realizing how strong my push was or how drunk he was, he stumbled to the floor). Instantly my girlfriend chewed me out, saying I over-reacted etc. She didn't want me to drive her home, said she would "get a cab" - so I told her, I know you are pissed but let me take you home, you don't know anybody at this party etc. She wouldn't have it, so I left - haven't talked to her since -was a few days ago
Counting question (Maths)?
How many strings of 4 ASCII characters contains the charater @ at least once? there are 128 different ASCII characters.
Any advice for a first time vegetable grower?
I have grown tomaotes for several years and they were my first vegetable. They are pretty easy and you can do them in a container or in the ground. Peel off the bottom branches and bury it deep since all those little hairs on the stalk will become roots. Then put in full sun and water daily. You can add some compost or Fish Emulsion for fertilizer. FYI I wouldn't try Zucchini, Watermelon, or Canetelope as your first one. They take up a LOT of room in your lawn and can be a little overwhelming as your first plant. Good luck!
Vegetarian/Vegan logic questions: Opinions?
Watch Earthlings and then decide. If any animal of anykind if invading your space or food supply that is a different thing than using them to get some luxury item. All animal products are luxury items.
Ive just took 12mg of diazepam?
is this safe and how many more could you take without it being harmful because i new a guy who od on diazepam
Can you mix Malawi Cichlids in the same tank?
I have a 55 gallon tank and want to put in some Malawi cichlids. Can I combine the three different types of cichlids; mbuna, haps, and peas? thanks
Can i feed my damsel fish some of my lizards mealworms?
i have two damsel fish and was thinking as a treat like once a week could i give them like two or three mealworms the fishies are like about an inche and the other ince and a half
Why are so many protestors in Egypt printing their signs in English?
I don't get it, if they wanted to get the message to their country leaders, why English? Seems fishy.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
How many girls go around taking the virginity of guys?
if thats what those girls are aiming for in life then theyre nothing more than cheap sluts sleeping around like that.
What songs should I add to this list?
well I love the song Le Disko so thats an awesome one XD but hmm...i can tell you some, don't know if it's your kind of music but I'll type them here anyways, there's "My Immortal" by Evanescence, it's slow and I think it's a beautiful song. "Romance" by My Chemical Romance, it's a pretty short little song but I think it's just amazing, "Interlude" by My Chemical Romance, "Moment" by Aiden, I can write so much more, but idk, maybe you'll like some of those, maybe not but hopefully I helped a little. : )
How much is pina-colada mix?
I am making pina coladas, and i need to know the price for one large bottle, can anyone help me out because im on a strict budget and i want to know if it will fit before i go out and buy it.
Is he CHEATING on me??
A while back I found a pair of panties in my bedroom and they weren't mine. My boyfriend and I were living with my sister at the time so I thought they were hers. He claims he's never seen them before and when I asked my sister about them....she had no idea. They weren't hers either. Then about 4 months ago he decided to go play basketball with his buddy Skyler. The next day I found a headband in our truck. I don't wear headbands and when I asked him about I got the same response....."Uhhh...Ummm....I've never seen it before." Then he said that Skyler picked it up and put it in the truck. 2 weeks ago he went to a luau party with his grandparents. Come to find out....the party was for a REALLY PRETTY Girl that was turning 16. When he came home he had perfume on his neck. I asked him......and the same response.....then he said that a girl(which I know) named Nicole(happily married) sprayed it on him and said "oh here....let's make Jess mad." WTF????? HELP!!!!!! What should I do?
What's an "equalised truck" on a diesel locomotive?
I'm reading an old book called "Diesel spotter's Guide", published by Kalmbach in 1973, and it refers to equalised trucks. (Trucks are called "bogies" in UK terminology). What is equalisation and why is it used?
Ii like A GUY BUT THE THiNG iS HEz 17 AND iM 13?
hez my bff cuzin me nd him go out and all he tells me he likes meh and that he wants to be with me and we always talk he always calls me and the thing is he aint like them other guys hes a guy thats 1 in a million hes soooo nice cute cool outgoing and he tells me that im pretty and nice and funny but he said that the only thing keeping us apart is our age and i told him age dont matter and he said yes it does but now he told my bff[which is her cousin] and he said that hes starting to think that age really dosent matter but what should i do for him to ask me out
Is this a form of puppy love?
Whenever I take my doberman to the park, he and this female golden retriver that's always at the park constantly sniff each other's s. It's kind of funny, also they chase after each other and nip at each other's ears and neck...afterwards they just relax in the shade. Is this a sign of puppy love or just friendless between two dogs?
Weight cut for MMA fight?
So I've been approached with a fight I ordinarily wouldn't have considered but need some advice from someone's experience as a fighter or coach. I usually fight at 155lbs or 145lbs...I walk around at about 160lbs (give or take a few pounds). The guys at 155 tend to be much larger, but sometimes I take it just to have a fight if it's been a while. The weight cut for 145 is no big deal...I took a 145 fight on a week's notice once when I was weighing in at about 157lbs and made the weight with no problem. I was asked if I'd like to accept a fight at 135 about 3 months away but I wasn't sure whether to accept or not. What weight do these bantamweight fighters usually cut from? Do they usually walk around at abou this weight? Can a person at around this size cut that much weight...I know the bigger weight cles cut drastic amounts of weight at times, but is it possible for the smaller guys? I'm already lean but can cut some flab away due to the increase in cheeseburgers lately and tend to build up bulky muscle m at times. Some real advice would help not the crap about "cutting weight is unhealthy" from guys that have never done it. I already know all that stuff...Thanks in advance!
Oblivion Blunt Skill?
If i wish to increase my physical weapon damage to ridiculous heights, would Fortify Blunt enchantments help? Will it affect my damage if it is elevated past 100?
I want to write an accurate, precise, and exhaustive apologetic for our ways of life in the West, right?
i would just try to find out what draws him into this crowd because most kids are not going to join a group for their political-sociological views.
Christmas presents for friends..any ideas!?
so, im getting 5 of my friends gifts.. my friends, shay, alana, makayla, torri, and maddie. shay,alana,makayla&torri play cheerleading and maddie plays soccer & ice skating.shay love hollister, coach, turtles, the color orange, makeup, oversized sweat pants, victoria secret, and pacsun.shay is also in 7th grade. alana is my brothers girlfriend (but shes one of my bestfriends) she likes juicy couture, victoria secret, hollister, jewlery, but NO MAKEUP, color pink, and alana is in 8th grade. makayla loves pink & light blue, her fav number is 42, she loves all brand stuff, EYESHADOW, hair stuff, and shes in 8th also. torri is in my grade (6th) she absolutely LOVES cheer, she cheers for spark cosmos allstars & their colors are red & yellow. she only wears hollister. she needs a straightener (her hair is curly & hers broke) she loves stuffed animals and blankets, the color purple, and..horses ! maddie, loves soccer, is in my grade ( 6th again) turtles, orange & bright green, doesnt wear brand clothes, white purses, she needs new boots ( her bear paws are all ruined & ripped up at the bottom) scrunches her hair everyday, loves rice krispie treats and sunny d's. well, thats it ! do you guys think you could come up with any ideas!? (i want them to be home made by the way. haha) please&thanks (:
Anyone up for a movie survey?
I preferred this movie so much I had to go discover a area to watch it on the net, lucky for me I found a new source which had it in HIGH DEFINITION!
Mythology siren and nymph?
the sirens were known to be women. they would seduce men at sea with their beautiful songs and the men would sail their ship towards the siren's island. But before they reached the sirens they would hit the rocks around the island and sink and drown. Nymphs were "spirits" of the forest. they would just chill in the forest and do things there. i never heard of a nymph killing anyone, a famous nymph is Echo if you want to look her up.
Naruto ultimate ninja 3?
hey guys does anyone no how u start off in kyubi form in naruto ultimate ninja 3 when u 1st start the battle i saw some ome do it but on the select screen i dotn c how also i did my vs a a radom guy one day the ? and got curse mark sound guy at battle start how do u do it
Why is it that anytime I try to talk about a problem I'm having, people always tell me I'm whining?
Im glad youre seeing a counsellor. The problem with sites like this is that for every caring person on here, there are half a dozen who really dont care what your problems are. So its best not to let people like that upset you. I hope you can move out as soon as possible and Im sorry there isnt any more I can tell you.
Which would be better for me Mont. GI Bill or Post 9/11?
DEFINITELY the post 9/11 bill. It will pay for the most expensive state tuition within your state, plus $500 dollars a year for books, and they give you money every month to live off of.
I filed restitution. restitution not allowed. i filed divorce petition. wife i asking 5 lacs.can i get divorce?
wife first filed an mc. i filed restitution as we have been living separately for 2 years. she withdrew the mc. restitution was dismissed. then i filed divorce petition. wife is demanding 5 lacs as compensation. can i get divorce. we belonged to hindu dheevara community.
Why exactly are you drawn to your favorite colour?
I like shiny/metallic gold. I don't why it just sort of looks like...really rich/thick and caramel. It's satisfying just to see. It's not like I have any memories connected with yellow/gold nor am I materialistic but, I really like how it looks.
Were you ever in a Quagmire?
Yes, a quagmire of personal debt. Credit card debt to be exact. I now see a light at the end of the tunnel and say to all of you: NEVER get credit cards!!!
During the first world war many british soldiers were shot for cowardice, some as young as 17, it has been?
that was so long ago would anyone in their family really know them now? no cause then been dead to long. i think that they should say sorry. what's it going to hurt? it takes what a whole few minutes out of their life to say sorry? if you get the small stuff out of the way people have time to focus on bigger things.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Craft fairs in Nottingham??
Hi Gareth. Check out a website called UKCraftFairs.com - there is a craft fair listed for East Bridgford, Nottinghamon Sunday 6/4/07. Tell your girlfriend good luck from me - I am also a hobby card maker with such a large collection that I'm now plucking up courage to make that leap from making them for fun and selling them for profit!! Don't worry I don't live in your area so we won't be in competition with each other!!!
Can someone give me some good game ideas to play?
Ok i need some new games to play, what i dont want is any 360 games ( I already know what i want for 360), i would like PC games not above 16-bit please, the games i already have are Age of empires, NoX,Stronghold.Seven kingdoms,Dungeon keeper,Holligans,Theme hospital,Creatures 3,sim city,Magic the gathering,Daggerfall and knights and merchants.
Why is Fox News Channel winning the ratings war?
the factor has 2.5 million viewers look it up .out of a country of 330 million people that is less than 1% of americans watch the factor. It is the number 1 rated cable show but what is that saying ? so katie couric has 2x as many viewers as Bill, Glenn beck has around 1 million viewers so katie has 5x the viewers of beck
How to announce baby name to in-laws that might not like it?
The name Katrina Lynn is very unique and pretty! I wouldn't exactly care what they think because she is you're child and if you would like to name her Katrina you can! Calling her Katie for short is very cute. If you call her Katie most of the time, it probably wouldn't matter as much to them. I think you should tell them the day she was born because then they'll be so happy it won't bother them too much and if you change the name you want, you won't have to bother telling them what the new name is! Congratulations and best of luck!
Are hamsters as nutritionally good as mice, rats, or rabbits?
Hamsters would have about the same nutritional value as any other rodent. They do have quite a bit more fur which is hard for reptiles to digest. But, if you are just feeding the pinkies then it should be ok. The only down side to breeding hamsters is that they are seasonal breeders. Usually only breeding between april and october. They also have smaller litters. Syrians however will have larger litters somewhere around 7 up to 13. They become ually mature a lot sooner than other breeds as well. Around 4-6 weeks. I would suggest breeding mice. Unless you have something against keeping them.
Weehawken Commute - Time and Method to Midtown NYC?
Just wanted to know how long it takes to commute to NYC from Weehawken and where you would pick up the train or how you would get there. (I work in Times Square) Looks like it goes in to Madison Square Garden from the Google Maps. Thanks.
Oklahoma vs Boise St., could happen again IF the polls are rigged?
If Texas gets shut out of the BCS NC game then the BCS should really be discontinued. I would not even want to watch Oklahoma's D try and face Florida's Offense and Defense. Does Oklahoma even have a defense? At least Texas has a chance at holding Florida under 50 points!!!
Whats better a Surefire X300 or a Streamlight TLR 1?
I want in for a XD(M) .45 ACP with a 5" barrel. Is one better than the other in you preference or are they just the same.
World of warcraft Warrior DPS.?
I have a Level 80 warrior and i love Arms ive alwasy been really good at pvp but im starting to get into the PVE stuff. I would run witha any 5man group and be tope DPS if not a close second 10 man would always be top 3, and i dont have any epics atm. I went to Fury (PVE right) Well i got two decent Two handers and when i ran with a 5 or 10 man i was last it was sad, is it just me or dose fury dps suck right now? Any one have a build that has worked . Or is Arms a viable dps right now
Does my boyfriend really love me...please help?
Don`t try to seek information about something that you already know. What do we or any yahoo answerer knows about your relationship. From what you said he seems like he really likes you but I can`t say anything more, or I could but that there would be no way I would represent the truth.
What's the best umpc?(ultra mobile pc)?
I'm trying to save up for an ultra mobile pc for college and i wanted to know which one i should be saving towards. At the moment i've been eyeing the OQO 02 and the Sony VAIO UX390. I saw Samsung's Q1 Ultra but it looks a bit too slow on the processing power. At this point i want to know about any alternatives before i make up my mind. Factors i want you to think about Processing Power, Size (smaller than a normal laptop but i don't want any lower than a 5 inch screen) and looks (does it look glossy and cly or is it matte like and boring). If there aren't any better alternatives point me in the direction of the better one. I heard the Sony VAIO UX390 performed better but it looks more drab than the OQO 02 and the screen doesn't look quite as bright. Would the Sony be the better call? Does the extra processing power make a big enough difference?
Interesting and intimate restaurants open late in Manhattan?
Im looking for an interesting yet intimate/romantic restaurant open late around midtown? I wont be able to get to the restaurant until 10:15 or so. Any places that are open that late? Not too expensive, live music a major plus. Thanks
I had ask this question can someone answer?
do you think the guy i fall for is a player or ladies. hes a charmer, smooth talking, very attractive i mean attractive, all the girls want him. i cant belive i started to fall for him after i ingore him for years
NCAA Football 10 celelbration help?
Year 10 maths help? URGENT!!?
in the year 10 im sure their knowledge of mathematics was very primitive, and this would've been too advanced for their knowledge
Am i rich or spoiled? No negative answers?
it sounds like you are spoiled as far as material things go. most people don't have the things that you do. But you hardly ever get to see your parents and it sounds like your parents give you those things to make up for the time they don't get to spend with you. If it was between having cool "stuff" or seeing my parents, i would choose my parents. You should talk with them about it.
I feel like I'm alone; the only one living?
well you definitely seem pretty anxious for a 14 year old... there might some issue you havent dealt with perhaps???
omigosh im the dumest person ever i wanted to reformatt my computer so i asked on this website how can i re formatt without loosing things i want someone said you can save it on a disc... people really need to be more discriptive... so looking through the stuff that came with my computer i found a disk that saidsystem recovery dvd so i figured oh i gues thats what i save it too... did i mention i know nothing about computers... so i put that in nd ended up re formatting it so is there any way i can get it back i had all my stuff on there school work games etc damnit please tell me there is something i can do
Lez/bi ladies: what are somethings that your gf does to really turn you on?
Her toung. Wen she French kisses me n a really great mage;) caressing the arms slowly nails brushed up n dwn the arms;)
Can I keep a sea turtle?/How do I incubate a sea turtle?
I just found a sea turtle egg on the sand of the beach. I know they are illegal to keep. But I found the egg in the sand and it was in people's tracks. It is not in its nest and in people's tracks where people will either step it or little kids will do something stupid with it. I know it already doesn't have much of a chance, but it's worth trying. I tried to imitate the mother's incubation site. I have the egg in a a cup of sand where it is tight so it cannot fall off and when/if it hatches it will fall into a bowl i have of salt water. Can this possibly work? If it does, is it possible to keep?
(This may affect your future participation in being a juror on a murder trial; but answer this anyway) If you?
had heard in the case of a murdered child, that the defendant hadn't any "priors," how far would that sway your opinion?
What is wrong with this world?
Trying to remember a book about a dollhouse?
It would have been published before 1994. It was about a girl who was sent off to live with relatives. She finds a dollhouse hidden away in their old house and the dolls in the house come alive. There isn't much else I can remember. I think she was sent away because someone in her home had whooping cough - or some other contagious disease and they had to quarantined. It wasn't the dollhouse murders. If anyone thinks they know, please let me know, I'd love to find this book for my daughter.
Monday, August 8, 2011
My feet are horrible?
They sound like perfectly nice feet to me too. Just try going barefoot for a whole day somewhere where you don't know anybody and you'll start to get over this.
What did the Fifteenth Amendment state?
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude and the Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Moving 10 fish to college. Driving time is about 90mi. 15 gal tall tank with stand.?
Looks like you've thought everything out. :) Everything sounds great. And it's not a long travel, so as long as the fish aren't directly under any air conditioning or anything, they'll be fine. Maybe putting a blanket over their containers or bags so that they can remain calm and warm during the transport.
Calling out scientists, calling out atheist fundamentalists?
Those all valid points, however, none of that matters to religious people. They are literally brainwashed to the point that they will simply not acknowledge logic, facts, science etc. It doesn't matter how much emprical evidence is brought to the table, they will refuse to partake in it, because God is in their heart and in their spirit and all that ridiculous fairy tale crap.
HELP i have a violent jack russel?
there is no point in neutering him now ... neutering only affects behaviour if it is done before the dogs hormones are fully established ... to neuter him now would stop him impregnating another dog and no effect on behaviour ... i am sorry to say but i think you have a wrecked jack russell that only the most professional trainer could even consider fixing ... a jack russell that has taken over a soft owner and the dog is now 5 years old with ingrained and worsening behaviours ... even with a professional trainer, it is still the owner who has to take charge and sorry, i can't see you doing it ... and jacks that are not trained appropriately only get worse and worse ... my friend owned a jack and the dog was not trained and took over ... that dog got more aggressive and vicious as time ped ... the dog bit the lip off a visitor ... the dog prevented his step-mom from leaving the bathroom and she had to wait hours until someone else came home ... i hate to say it but the dog should be put down ... too much time has ped with the dog only getting more aggressive ... you fear him, you feel sorry for him, so no training is going to work ... i agree with your family and friends and i have a jack russell, i am a jack lover, but i also can acknowledge when a dog is ruined and it is time to go ...
Who is Mrs. Paige and who is edna? WHO ARE THEY???
people always talk about them on yahoo!answers and i want to know who they are. i have no clue. i'm not even sure how to catagorize this! please help a lost person out. thanks!
Hyperactivity or normal?
My son will be 2 in november 17th . many people i have mention this to say its normal for a child to be active .first he doesnt say nothing but momma ,he cant sit for a minute he is always walking around climbing chairs,tables. with a stick hittin everything and including the pets. every time you get his attention he trys to talk but he just mummbles. what is the correct way to sit him still with out crying? is a good thing to do especially cause he doesnt talk?
Is anybody else watching Ben Stein and the models?
on "America's 'Most' Smartest Model" on VH1? That is the funniest show I have seen in awhile...Last night one of them said Napoleon's last name was "Pierre" and another one thought "GOP" stood for "Governor of Presidents"...Anybody else like this show?
Travis Henry...should I drop him?
those are all on the ir list and are out for the season but yes drop henry he sucks and is goin to jail
How do I unblock my SIM card?
I recently received my new AT&T phone (they're taking over Alltel). I was playing around with my phone yesterday and accidentally locked my SIM card. It is now asking me for a PUK code, which I could get if I logged into my AT&T account... Only problem is, since Alltel hasn't switched over to AT&T yet, I don't have an account being as my number is not in their system. Is there another way to receive a PUK code or am I stuck until my phone and account are activated?
Looking for the name of a film. It's very bleak set around time of arch duke ferdinands ination. Ideas?
The stand out scenes I remember is a doctor getting a reprieve on the gallows moments before execution because he is a medic and thus useful. Up to this point he has been kept in a dank damp prison. I also vaguely remember some nude bodies hanging from a tree but I saw the film a long long time ago so my memory could be playing tricks!
Help with my Portuguese, please?
E eu sei como dizer - O Menino era ciumento porque ele gostava da menina e gerou a frog fora. O frog pulou a hopped home. Wally disse a menina que ele adorava ela e eles beijamos. Fim. would be the corect answer for And I dont know how to say - The boy was jealous because he liked the girl and threw the frog outside. The frog hopped/jumped home. Wally told the girl he loved her and they kissed. The end.
Cause i know Brock Lesner is sick and dana white said he might have to do an interim championship fight. What does that mean?
Are 'brands' or 'branding' a luxury experience? Nike, is rubber and cloth. The added demand and cost is from
Brand equity has a strong correlation to price and consumer value. The brands you mention, for the most part, have strong brand equity and that positively impacts pricing. Tiffany is another example of a well known brand that can charge a premium on its products based on its well regarded brand image. Brands typically don't erode like the housing market but it can happen. Sears had a higher brand value decades ago than it does now while it's seen as a discount brand. When companies go bankrupt, their brands usually suffer or disappear entirely. Usually, well regarded brands are well maintained.
Unnattractive flamers that wont stop bugging you..?
Tell him straight up that it makes you uncomfortable and it is inappropriate especially in the work place. You have the right to your space so just say how you feel. I disagree totally about the "high horse" thing sometimes you just know when you're out of someone's league and that isn't always based on looks alone. You might consider yourself out of his league mainly because he is throwing himself at you in such a trashy way I dont blame you. Just tell him to back off bottom line!
Halo Novel...onyx?
I have read the first three halo novels..fall of reach is events before halo 1...the flood is bically halo 1...first strike is between halo 1 and 2....where does this new onyx book come in?....i know its about the spartan III project...but what really confuses me is that it mentions spartan IIs...didnt all spartan II get killed except for Master chief spartan 117 John?....and the other spartan ..i forget her name but she was near death and the Doctor lady ran away with her and the key artifact thingie.....Im sorry Ive read the first three novels a long while ago.....names pop in here and there but I got really confused reading reviews about this new onx book....can annyone catch me up?....summarize?...did I miss annything in th eother novels that will explain why there are more spatan IIs alive?
What factor contributed to Rome’s evolution from Republic to Empire?
western civ exam essay question, to be handed in on thursday...What factor contributed to Rome’s evolution from Republic to Empire? Describe the strengths that explain its dominance in the Western World for hundreds of years: discuss factor that led to its downfall.
Rate my fantasy team and trades?
Very good trades in my opinion, overall you have a good team, but i would get lots of pitchers instead of bench players because they play everyday and the pitchers every 5 days, idk thats what i do and i'm in first place. catcher is okay, i have him also, he has been good lately, and the rest of the line-up is great, bench is good too, but ure pitching staff isnt that good, so u should trade some bench players or maybe starters for bttr pitching if u wanna win more, overall i'd give u a 7/10, good team
What is the origin of the Sheltie Pup?
I have a 4 month old Sheltie Pup. He has an amazing look – his fur color is made up of black, tan and blue merle. I was wondering about its origin – where did this breed come from? Is the Shetland sheepdog a relative of the collie?
Why do christians deny that corruption and lies exist in the bible?
this is why: a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK7P7uZFf5o" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK7P7uZFf…/a
Would blonde be a good hair color for me?
probably not. in general, blonde looks better on darker tanner skin tones. when you have pale or fair skin, dark hair looks best.
Xbox live i have created custom game. now i wont to be able to play it live with others how? oh sorry hallo 3?
ok i have made a game. threw customs game. so i go to start match and it doesnt look people up on the net to play with me can anyone help please
I am 16 and currently 80 kg i am aiming to to be 50 or 60kg ?
how good was your 100m and u need to sprint not ride a bike i would take less time and lose more weight this way
What will Obama's poll numbers need to be around to get reelected ?
Obama being re elected is out of the question I remember Carter and this is far worse than it was then. Obama is not going to change either.
Google Indexed URLs Going Down?
I have added a sitemap to my Google Webmaster Tools with 36 urls. Every time it indexes my site again, the number of indexed urls goes down! A month ago I had 21 out of the 36 web pages indexed and I just figured google hadn't got to the rest yet. But now it says I only have 12 urls indexed. What the heck. Any ideas? Should I resubmit my sitemap?
Any body know anything about jeeps?HELP!?
yes! i would say its a great deal! but just remember that when buying a Jeep, especially a souped up one like this, that they are usually beaten on on the trails. so that could reflect in the low price, but maybe not. When you go to look at it, drive it to an auto shop and have them give it a full check over. its usually around 50$ but if ur buying a car its worth it! instead of buying and realizing it needs over 3000$ in work soon
What's wrong with him?!?
This guy's been trying to get with me for over 3 yrs and i always turned him down, about 2 weeks ago he asked me out on a date and i said yes and because i was smiling so much he didn't believe me or take me serious. before he asked me, he told me that he didn't have eyes for anyone but me and how i'm special and ****, but now i see him talking to this tall, hunchback looking girl and i think they're together. what the hell is that, can anyone explain why he did that?
What are your thoughts on the girls name Delilah?
I love the name Delilah. i think its so beautiful and any of those nn would work but id call her just Delilah because its so beautiful. me and my husband were going to use this name but we found somthing else because he doesnt like Delilah for some reason. My favorite names are the names we chose for our future daughters. Autumn Lucille and Luna Jade. we also have Jasmine Lilith and i Love the name Lorelei but cant think of a good middle name besides Lorelei Delilah. which i wont be able to use.
Is there any cure for allergies, other than shots?
according to Dr. D.C. Jarvis in his book Folk Medicine, chewing on honey comb caps a couple of times a day will help most people.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
How can I!?!?!?!?!?!????
I'm kind of hippie! And not in the "peace" way, either!!! What's a good excirsize I can do to get rid of the chub on my hips!!! Please be serious!!!!
Which og ctrl'er for PC is universal for all kinds of PC Games?
Logitech makes the best controllers for any system or PC. Find a Logitech controller in your price range and you won't regret it.
Harry Potter Question: If you're not allowed to bewitch muggle items, are broomsticks an exception?
You know, how you can't make a car fly and stuff. Aren't brooms muggle made? It's like it's bewitched to me. Unless they made it all themselves, which is most likely. But i was just wondering...
An ice cube melts at room temp. What are the thermo properties of this process?
The system (the water in the ice cube) increases in entropy (S), free energy (G) decreases, and heat is required, so H is positive. So, S= positive, H= positive, and G= negative. I'm not entirely sure on the free energy part, but reactions with negative values for G are spontaneous, and the melting of an ice cube is spontaneous, so it follows that G would be negative.
Bunny behaving badly .... or out of boredom?
bring the cage inside or get a smaller one and take that one in side give it steamed baby carrots and warm water and give it a blanket to keep warm and for comfort.
Shall I get engaged to this girl?
OMG!!!! You need to marry for love. She would be stupid to marry you. You are a CONTROL FREAK and need to get a grip. You are a loser. Don't get married and spare both of the poor girls.
I am in desperate need of a job?
you must go to an employment agency or head hunter. They will find you a job, update your resume and give you advice. look in the yellow pages or google employment agencies in your town.
I don't want to file for bankruptcy :( only choice?
You need to contact a local bankruptcy attorney to find out what your options are. Most will see you free the first consultation. They will look at your debts, ets, income for the last six months and taxes either 3 or 4 years, after reviewing they will be able to tell you what you qualify for. You can get more bankruptcy information at www.usbankruptcy.gov Excellent site for information on each chapter of bankruptcy, how it works and what is required. Good Luck!
Killing Dwayne liberty city (5) GTA IV?
ok so ive just killed dwayne on my second run through the game trying to get all the achievements like liberty city 5 and liberty city minute although i just thought; can i still get the liberty city 5 achievement because the 5 are roman packie DWAYNE brucie and jacob. my other file has glitched so i cant get the achievement on that one as dwayne is on 32% with me and wont come out
Any good websites to find teen bedding?
I am looking to redecorate my room and I am going for a Victorian theme with New York and Audrey Hepburn themed accents. The colors will be hot pink, black and white. I would also love to find a black chandelier at a great price. If you have any ideas don't hesitate to respond... :)
What does it mean when a boy says hes gunna 'finish off'?
Finishing usually suggests having an . So your brother was going to bed to have a big O. Same applies to his girlfriend.
What colleges have good BFA acting (not MT) programs? Film acting would be a plus.?
I am in the process of transferring to a new school after deciding that the one I originally attended was not intensive enough for me. I would like to focus mainly on acting but don't mind taking a few other cles as well. I really want to go into film acting eventually.
Grammar and Spelling mistakes?
if this is an essay then change every "what's" to what is.. and every "it's" to it is. because those arent suppose to be in formal writing such as essays.
For those of you who adore Justin Beiber, I want to know, what is his appeal?
I'm a huge fan of Extreme Metal, Goregrind in particular, and I wanted to maturely ask what Justin Beiber's appeal is? I don't understand, and would like to, so I am asking, please respectfully and as unbiased as possible, convince me why Justin Beiber is labeled as "incredible". I just see no charisma and no talent in him, and would like to understand more.
Rich man and Lazarus Help?
what did the rich man beg Abraham to do and what did the rich man ask Lazarus to warn his 5 brothers about.
Do coaches choose body type over talent in high school?
If coaches do, they're bad coaches. Your coach might've picked your team to help you guys improve. My coach had a few good people on our team but she also chose people who could use improvement. About the bad playing, practice, practice and more practice! If you want to, you can join a club and improve your skills. Good luck! :)
Survey-What kind of birds are in your yard?
There's like, 295 different bird species in the midwest US. I've attracted and identified about 1/3 of that through strategic feeding and watering. If you never saw a male indigo bunting or a rufus-sided towhee, you're missing out. Cardinals are the most common, so don't say that one. So what have you seen? Do you even know what you've seen?
Why are some Republican Leaders and Pundits taking the side of BP over the Gulf Fishermen?
There's a little thing called the "Rule of Law." We either have it... or we don't. The White House overstepped it's authority Big Time. We either have laws in this country... or we don't. If Obama was concerned about the Gulf fishermen, he'd be focusing on stopping the leak and mopping up the mess than showboating his toughness with BP.
Do you think it's right to make a 16 year old always use her laptop in family areas?
Just work on it upstairs, tell her if she wants to see what you're doing tell her she can get a chair & sit right down next to you because you're not moving. Just don't bend, she's the one being ridiculous & she should eventually cave. Don't take people's crap, if you want to go to a good college & the only way you can do that is by working hard & to work hard you need quiet then go upstairs, it's not illegal & tbh she can't exactly stop you.
Do I have a chance at Pro Ball?
You have a decent shot, if you display all these tools in one games when scouts are watching. Try throwing that ball a little harder, or running out that ground ball a little more, play defense a little flashier and you should be noticed by a pro scout in no time. GOOD LUCK!
Can anyone tell me any good bands and songs?
Try Jack Johnson his Music is really Good.Get the song " Sitting, Waiting, Wishing" by Jack Johnson. That's the one that got me Listening to Him.
12 year old-is this worth writing/publishing?
Of course keep writing it, but be aware you will have a very, very difficult time getting it published.
Does anyone has an 4 pages essay about "The Andromeda Strain" (1971)?
Nope. Nobody has a 4 page essay on any of those. I've seen 3 and 5 page essays on those topics but not 4 pages. Sorry.
New Ford Ranger Price Haggling?
Your Dad is right on the money. You may not be able to buy it for that, but its a good opening offer. Don't get in a hurry and if they start pressuring you head for the door.
Do you guys like AJ Allmendinger?
I've heard that he's arrogant and not a team player. But it looks like without Kasey Kahne he's gonna become Richard Petty's main man. Although I've also heard RPM is going downhill. Also, anyone think he should have just stayed in Indy car where he would be totally dominating right now?
Easy ways to improve my car(buck LeSabre)?
Preformance wise start with an intake and an exhaust system(High flow cat/cat back system). Intake and exhaust usually are the most restrictive aspects for a stock car. From then try getting some headers to replace your stock manifold.
Whom should i contact to get a franchisee of big bazaar?
I am interested in franchisee of big bazaar in pondicherry. Kindly help me to whom i have to contact
Help! Guerilla/Outdoor ad Any ideas!?!?! Final is tonight?
I am doing an ad campaign on Arby's new roastburgers. I have the radio spot and print ad narrowed down. I still need a internet and print ad. The hard part is an outdoor/ guerilla advertisment! Any ideas? Please?
How to retrive puk code?
I have nokia 2630 the phone asking PUK CODE and the phone is blocked what to do now. please help me.
My rat is shaking and suddenly afraid of me?
Well If you say that you rat has a red spot on her lower back maybe he's running and avoiding contact because that red spot hurts when he is carried... It's probably that... If that red spot and the strange behavior keep going I thing you should check the doctor...
Anybody who is expert in medial meniscus?
It is nessasary to know why the knee was removed? Also need to know the source of pain, As the pain is just only few seconds there may not be any serious resons. try just one dose of Arnica 200c which may cure the prolem. Also you can take a eopathic care as a eopath can look in to symptoms and give aproper remedy.
Why does Israel make such a strong effort to avoid killing (or hurting) Palestinian women & children?
Because Israel doesn't realize that a cute charming 12 year old Palestinian Boy will become a dangerous Palestinian Terrorists in 6 years when he becomes 18 years old.
How can I split CO2 into C and O2?
I am asking how. I know how much energy it takes and I know burning fuels produces more than it takes out. I have my own way of producing energy. all I want to know is how. not why it is unproductive. just how. please no criticism. i.e. would electrolysis work on dry ice?
Survey: Can this dude even sing?
I think he is very talented. But I know a lot of talented people and the chance that any of them will be famous is very small.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
If animals and bugs just go to nothingness, why do humans think humans do anything else but go to nothingness?
If everything that's alive just dies and goes into nothingness, why do humans think they don't also just go to nothingness, since there is no proof otherwise. The only thing science has ever said to have existed is the Metaphysical world, but that's it. And the people who have seen it have always been bought back to life, so no one knows if they stay there anyway, it could just be because they weren't dead dead yet.
Could these cats be saved? If so, how?
It's sad, but sometimes life just "happens". There are outside forces that we cannot control, that's just the way life is. I understand you completely, when I was 16 I found a kitten outside, my boyfriend and I took him in (I lived alone at the time believe it or not) and honestly we had one great year with him. He was the sweetest cat, we loved him soooo much. One night we went to bed, he slept with us on our bed like every other night and in the morning (not even four hours later) I woke up and found him hanging from my mezzanine (I'm not sure what it's called in english but it's essentialy a half floor in a loft) He some how got his collar stuck on some Christmas lights and fell. For years I wondered what I could have done.. maybe if I haden't put the Christmas lights up or if I didn't make him wear a collar he's still be alive but the reality is I'm not psychic and there was no way I could have prevented it. I still go to bed some nights and cry about it.. and I'm 25 now.. but in my heart I know I gave him a good life while he was alive and I've made peace with what happened. The same should go for you. We're only human, life is not like the movies where minutes before someone we love dies we have an epiphany and just in the nick of time save them. You did a good thing trying to give them a good life, unfortunately life had other plans but in your heart you should always remember while they were alive you gave them the best life possible.
Overly detailed events in les miserables?
In victor hugo's book les miserables(abridged version) what parts seemed overly detailed or exhausting?(ex. Parts about barricade, events in the sewer)
Why do liberals continue to deny liberal bias in the media, even when the NYT admits its liberal bias?
Liberals are self hating destructive fools that if not stopped soon will destroy our country. It is time for America to wake up before we are all praising allah or beheaded. ohh ya "well there you go again Jimmy"
Where 2 get old computer apps
I have an old computer [200 MHz cpu, 96 MBs of RAM with Windows 98 SE] and I am wondering about some cool things I can do with it as opposed to selling it for what measly amount I can get. Most of my apps don't run. Can anyone direct me to some apps to run on it? Or stuff to do with it? It is a Compaq Presario 1240, if anyone wants to know. Thanks in advance.
What is the share ratio? what are seeders in demonoid?
am new to downloads..just became a member of demonoid.. but my friend told me to make sure that i don't mess up the ratio... and what are seeders..
Does he like me or is he just a good guy friend?
It sounds from what you said he likes you, "buddy" could mean he just wants to be friends though, I'm guessing you a both shy and so he probably wont ask you out. As a guy I flirt with girls and like making them laugh even though I've been in a relationship for two years, I'd ask him if he likes you like you think if not you can sstill be good friends just make sure you casually slip it in and dont just get in hhis face and demand an awnser on the spot, it may take a while! So ask him if you are brave enough, if not you can spend a lot long in the dark not know where you are in the relationship between you both.
Is it legal for a 12 year old to home school them self in Canberra?
Im not sure about the legal side?...But the fact that your asking is very clever ...and anything is possible!...Im not sure of the laws in the ACT as they are all different so possibly call LAWACCESS they have a 1800 number and ask them the rules and regulations.Kip McGrath tutors kids for Maths.
People won't fight me now that i am pregnant?
i used to get in fights at clubs for fun with the other girls there. i just look at them and say "get away from my man" and then i push them and we'd fight. i dont even have a boyfriend lol. now that i am pregnant though, b-tches always be backing down cuz they see my baby bump. it doesnt matter how drunk i get, they always back down like chumps. how can i make people fight me even if i am pregnant?
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